
Thiruppathy M, Teubner L, Roberts RR, Lasser M, Moscatello A, Chen Y-W, Hochstim C, Ruffins S, Sarkar A, Tassey J, Evseenko D, Lobito TP, Willsey HR, Gillis JA, Crump JG (2025) Repurposing of a gill gene regulatory program for outer ear evolution. PMID: 39788155.

Rees JM, Kirk K, Gattoni G, Hockman D, Sleight VA, Ritter DJ, Benito-Gutierrez È, Knapik EW, Crump JG, Fabian P, Gillis JA (2024) A pre-vertebrate endodermal origin of calcitonin-producing neuroendocrine cells. PMID: 39109637

Sackville MA, Gillis JA, Brauner CJ (2024) The origins of gas exchange and ion regulation in fish gills: evidence from structure and function. PMID: 38530435

Rees JM*, Palmer* MA, Gillis JA (2023) Fgf signalling is required for gill slit formation in the skate, Leucoraja erinacea. *equal contribution PMID: 38040078

Gillis JA (2023) Scales, scutes, and embryonic origins of the vertebrate dermal skeleton. PMID: 37531377

Rees JM, Sleight VA, Clark SJ, Nakamura T, Gillis JA (2023) Ectodermal Wnt signalling, cell fate determination, and polarity of the skate gill arch skeleton. PMID: 36940244

Sackville MA, Cameron CB, Gillis JA, Brauner CJ (2022) Ion regulation at gills precedes gas exchange and the origin of vertebrates. PMID: 36261526


Hirschberger C, Gillis JA (2022) The pseudobranch of jawed vertebrates is a mandibular arch-derived gill. PMID: 35762641

 – See Research Highlight in Development.

Thiruppathy M, Fabian P, Gillis JA, Crump JG (2022) Gill developmental program in the teleost mandibular arch. PMID: 35762575


Rees JM, Gillis JA (2022) Distinct proliferative and middle ear skeletal-patterning functions for SHH-expressing epithelia in the chick hyoid arch. PMID: 35714752


Gillis JA, Bennett S, Criswell KE, Rees J, Sleight VA, Hirschberger C, Calzarette D, Kerr S, Dasen J (2022) Big insight from the little skate: Leucoraja erinacea as a developmental model system. PMID: 35337464


Duque-Correa MA, Goulding D, Rodgers FH, Gillis JA, Cormie C, Rawlinson KA, Bancroft AJ, Bennett HM, Lotkowska ME, Reid AJ, Speak AO, Scott P, Redshaw N, Tolley C, McCarthy C, Brandt C, Sharpe C, Ridley C, Moya JG, Carneiro CM, Starborg T, Hayes KS, Holroyd N, Sanders M, Thornton DJ, Grencis RK, Berriman M (2022) Defining the early stages of intestinal colonisation by whipworms. PMID: 35365634


Criswell KE, Roberts L, Koo ET, Head JJ, Gillis JA (2021) hox gene expression predicts tetrapod-like axial regionalization in the skate, Leucoraja erinacea. PMID: 34903669


Hirschberger C, Sleight VA, Criswell KE, Clark SJ, Gillis JA (2021) Conserved and unique transcriptional features of pharyngeal arches in the skate (Leucoraja erinacea) and evolution of the jaw. PMID: 33905525


Sleight VA, Gillis JA (2020) Embryonic origin and serial homology of gill arches and paired fins in the skate, Leucoraja erinacea. PMID: 33198887


Barske L, Fabian P, Hirschberger C, Jandzik D, Square T, Xu P, Nelson N, You HV, Medeiros DM, Gillis JA, Crump JG (2020) Evolution of vertebrate gill covers via shifts in an ancient Pou3f3 enhancer. PMID: 32958671


Marconi A, Hancock-Ronemus A, Gillis JA (2020) Adult chondrogenesis and spontaneous cartilage repair in the skate, Leucoraja erinacea. PMID: 32393435

Gillis FI, Gillis JA (2020) Diurnal colour change in the Andaman Island stick insect, Sceptrophasma hispidulum.


Criswell KE, Gillis JA (2020) Resegmentation is an ancestral feature of the gnathostome vertebral skeleton. PMID: 32091389


Martik ML, Gandhi S, Uy BR, Gillis JA, Green SA, Simoes-Costa M, Bronner ME (2019) Evolution of the new head by gradual acquisition of neural crest regulatory circuits. PMID: 31645763


Gillis JA. (2019) The development and evolution of cartilage. In: Yelon, R. and Mayor, R. (eds) Elsevier Reference Module in Life Sciences: Developmental Biology.


Gillis JA, Alsema EC, Criswell KE (2017) A trunk neural crest origin of dermal denticles in a cartilaginous fish. PMID: 29158384


Criswell KE, Coates MI, Gillis JA (2017) Embryonic origin of the gnathostome vertebral column. PMID: 29167367


Gillis JA, Tidswell ORA (2017) The origin of vertebrate gills. PMID: 28190727


Criswell KE, Coates MI, Gillis JA (2017) Embryonic development of the axial column in the little skate, Leucoraja erinacea. PMID: 28144984


Gillis JA, Hall BK (2016) A shared role for sonic hedgehog signalling in patterning chondrichthyan gill arch appendages and tetrapod limbs. PMID: 27095494


Simakov O, et al. (incl. Gillis JA) (2015) Hemichordate genomes and deuterostome origins. PMID: 26580012


Gillis JA, Modrell MS, Baker CVH (2013) Developmental evidence for serial homology of the vertebrate jaw and gill arch endoskeleton. PMID: 23385581


Baker CVH, Modrell MS, Gillis JA (2013) The evolution and development of vertebrate lateral line electroreceptors. PMID: 23761476


Hall BK, Gillis JA (2013) Incremental evolution of the neural crest, neural crest cells, and neural crest-derived skeletal tissues. PMID: 22414251


Gillis JA, Modrell MS, Northcutt RG, Catania KC, Luer C, Baker CVH (2012) Electrosensory ampullary organs are derived from lateral line placodes in cartilaginous fishes. PMID: 22833123


Gillis JA, Modrell MS, Baker, CVH (2012) A timeline of pharyngeal endoskeletal condensation and differentiation in the shark, Scyliorhinus canicula, and the paddlefish, Polyodon spathula. PMID: 26566297

Gillis JA, Fritzenwanker JH, Lowe CJ (2012) A stem-deuterostome origin of the vertebrate pharyngeal arch transcriptional network. PMID: 21676974


King BL, Gillis JA, Carlisle HR, Dahn RD (2011) A naturally occurring deletion of the entire HoxC cluster in elasmobranch fishes. PMID: 22174244


Rawlinson KA, Gillis JA, Billings Jr. RE, Borneman EH (2011) Taxonomy and life history of the Acropora-eating flatworm, Amakusaplana acroporae nov. sp. (Polycladida: Prosthiostomidae).


Gillis JA, Rawlinson KA, Bell J, Lyon WS, Baker CVH, Shubin NH (2011) Holocephalan embryos provide evidence for gill arch appendage reduction and opercular evolution in cartilaginous fishes. PMID: 21220324


Gillis JA, Dahn RD, Shubin NH (2009) Shared developmental mechanisms pattern the gill arch and paired fin skeletons in vertebrates. PMID: 19321424


Gillis JA, Dahn RD, Shubin NH (2009) Chondrogenesis and homology of the visceral skeleton in the little skate, Leucoraja erinacea (Chondrichthyes: Batoidea). PMID: 19117064


Gillis JA, Shubin NH (2009) The evolution of gnathostome development: insight from chondrichthyan embryos. PMID: 19882670


Gillis JA, Donoghue PCJ (2007) The homology and phylogeny of chondrichthyan tooth enameloid. PMID: 17146771


Gillis JA, Witten PE, Hall BK (2006) Chondroid bone and secondary cartilage contribute to apical dentary growth in juvenile Atlantic salmon.